001. How to unlock a NURO device
Your installation might be locked. Learn how to start your system.
002. Updating a smartphone edition of NUOS
Learn how to proceed if you receive an update notification.
003. How to recharge your brand new NURO Glasses
Learn how to use our charging cradle and glasses.
004. How to add a new playlist of YouTube videos
Update your system with your favorite YouTube videos.
005. How to add unlimited music tracks to NUOS
Get your favorite songs in our flagship product.
006. How to connect your NURO headband and glasses
Follow these steps to connect our sensors in seconds.
007. Accessibility Display Support in NUOS
Take advantage of great display features for enhanced viewing.
008. How to verify and allow Android Permissions for NUOS
Grant security-based Permissions in Android for the proper functioning of NUOS.
009. Discover your first neurological control of NUOS by just thinking
Start interacting with NUOS instantly and experience the control-by-brain of an application.
What is NUOS?
NUOS is the World's first Neural Operating System and is today a leading platform allowing human beings to control instantly computers and communication using brain signals, without the need for any surgery.
First conceived in 2014 in Waterloo, Canada, and delivered in 2017 in Silicon Valley, NURO presents now NUOS 3, the third generation of this neurotechnology.
Technically, NUOS 3 is a wireless portable system composed of miniaturized hardware sensors placed on the prefrontal cortex, software, algorithms and AI. This architecture has gone through hundreds of iterations with the NURO team working directly with both juvenile and adult patients, as well as their family members, their nurses and their clinicians.
NUOS 3 is the platform of choice when it comes to communication and computing by brain, with no risks to your health.
Why NUOS over Eye Gaze?
Early on, our team realized that Eye Gaze systems had several key limitations and were prone to becoming unreliable in certain conditions as patients progressed in their pathophysiologies.
From weaknesses in eye control to lighting conditions to endless system calibrations to complex technical management to poor recognition of certain eyes with or without glasses to ptosis all the way to partial or complete blindness, the design behind these systems is unable to handle important parameters due to their reliance on external cameras and often simply fails.
NUOS handles these challenges with a different logic by - looking internally instead of externally - while remaining non-invasive and neurologically-powered.
By working with the brain, NURO delivers a reliable and stable architecture while completely bypassing the limitations of Eye Gaze.
Why NUOS over Invasive Neurotech?
Although advances have been made in neurosurgery, there are many unknowns regarding infiltrating the brain reliably, safely and over an extended period of time. The human physiology, especially in the brain, will tend to reject foreign objects over time and we consider this to be too much of a risk for our customers. Additionally, we have unfortunately first-hand experience with close family dying from brain surgery and this is philosophically and ethically, a route that our team is not interested in at this point in time.
Last but not least, some claim to be minimally invasive yet we highly recommend that you read their fine prints which indicate that their methodologies are officially Class III or IV, which can cause severe complications, including death. In comparison, NUOS has been determined to be of no significant risk by the US FDA and has never had a single incident since its very first iteration, originally launched in 2017.
Does NUOS require training?
Training can be defined as actual training of the user by an instructor to understand how to operate a system - or - training of the system itself from the user's neurological data for the system to operate properly. In most cases, our neurotechnology can operate within seconds and does not require training of the system by someone's neurological data.
Technically speaking, our platform is capable of immediately sensing, monitoring and processing multimodally all of the neurologicals signals required for its functioning on a per individual basis.
The key to a successful implementation is to figure out what kind of neurological signals the individual can emit pathophysiologically speaking and work from there as far as accessing and using daily our various user interfaces built into the system.
How long does it take to learn NUOS?
Most individuals will be able to activate NUOS within seconds. From there, we guide both the caregivers and the patient in taking specific personalized steps to ensure solid progress.
We have many patients who have been able to fully control NUOS on Day 1 and some who have taken a few weeks to interact reliably with one of the many user interfaces built into NUOS. Because we can reach individuals in extremely complex states of health, including patients in deep coma and various disorders of consciousness, it is important to go step-by-step and expect progress to take place conservatively. No one is trained at birth to control a computer with their mind so what NUOS offers now is groundbreaking for all human beings. The fact that we are implementing today such a non-invasive technology with some of the most challenging states of complete isolation and physiological incapacitation can sometimes require slightly adjusted expectation levels and a structured approach to reach optimal results.
Is NUOS covered by insurance?
Insurance plans and health benefits vary widely based on your jurisdiction. We have been approved in Canada for certain types of medical conditions and we are actively working towards coverage in the United States and several other countries.
We recommend that you reach out to us via our contact form to discuss the specifics of your case in full confidence and determine how we might be able to assist you.
Note that we also offer now various types of payment methodologies, including a new monthly subscription option allowing you to access our neurotechnology as a service. This approach gives you the ability to pay a significantly lower amount on a monthly basis rather than having to incur a larger upfront payment for the system.
What is KOMPOS?
KOMPOS is a set of neurological keyboards allowing individuals to communicate using various brain signals from their prefrontal cortex to control virtual keys, either letter-based or icon-based ones.
KOMPOS is offered today in both NUOS 3 and as an independent solution. For individuals who do not need all of the features of NUOS 3 or prefer a solution that is perhaps more reachable financially, KOMPOS offers a solid alternative, especially for patients who are not vision-impaired and are intellectually capable of using a keyboard. If the patient is extremely advanced or in a very complex state of health, NUOS 3 will be a better choice as it will be able to cover a much wider range of options for communication.
KOMPOS and its multimodal neurological keyboards were born out of inputs from our user community. It is a - key - example of transparent collaborations between our users and the NURO team and how this translated into a dedicated effort to advance non-invasive neurotechnology and make it even more accessible and affordable for patients in need.
What is PAD?
PAD is a multi-patented neurological AI-powered helmet. In its first iteration, it is architected for the early detection and monitoring of neurological disorders and diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, certain types of cancer, stroke, tumors, trauma and various neurological events and their progression.
In future versions, thanks to its proprietary multimodal form factor and integration with Artificial Intelligence, PAD will not only be a diagnostic tool but also a therapeutic device able to address some of the most pressing neurological challenges facing humanity.
NURO aims to provide the PAD helmet not only in hospitals but also at the primary care level. With PAD, your local doctor or general practitioner can scan your brain in minutes and receive precise AI-powered results without needing a referral for expensive MRI or PET procedures, which require dedicated space, very costly equipment, specialized personnel and which may not be easily accessible where you live. We believe PAD can literally revolutionize brain health and pharmaceutical research at a global level.
What is MENTIS?
MENTIS is NURO's brand new Mental Platform™. Today MENTIS is able to instantly detect multiple mental states at once.
Although humans have long sought after an understanding of one's mind, most results have been based primarily on psychology or psychiatry with many evolving theories and ongoing research to address complex mental phenomena. With MENTIS, you can now immediately detect, measure, track and even score key mental states via Artificial Intelligence.
In its first release, MENTIS opens up a new world of insights into a person's mental states, whether for mental health assessments or for mental performance analysis in a variety of environments and conditions.
NURO continues to lead the way in groundbreaking innovation with its non-surgical, instantaneous and safe approach to neurotechnology. MENTIS is set to fully redefine the way we factually assess, monitor and understand the human mind.
Are you going to read my thoughts?
NURO has delivered on 4 continents neurotechnology without any surgery, including to juvenile and adult patients in incredibly challenging medical conditions. In addition, we approached this new methodology thinking outside of the box so-to-speak knowing that privacy and protection of each individual were key.
We are pleased to report that all neurological signals that our non-invasive neurotechnology passively monitors are not recorded and are simply a very large stream of numerical values with no identifiable information of any kind. A function to record these numbers exists if required for in-depth analysis of a patient's capabilities but in general that data is never archived in any way and is deleted immediately once processed by our algorithms. At no point in time are we reading your mind or hacking your brain in any way. The non-surgical architecture is simply and precisely listening to tiny electrical signals and their variations from the outside of the human head to determine how you can interact with our built-in features in complete safety, with no risk to your health and no privacy risk.
How accurate and fast is your technology?
For NUOS, the architecture is natively multimodal, which means that it obtains and can work simultaneously from several types of neurological signals. Think of it as being able to carry out in parallel multiple operations at once allowing the user to instantly switch or select the very best and most accurate methodology relevant for his or her medical condition. In this flexible environment, activation of NUOS can range from milliseconds up to a few seconds per interaction depending on the chosen methodology and the pathophysiological capability of the individual. Same would apply to KOMPOS.
For PAD, a scan is projected to take a few minutes, possibly less as we keep on improving our processes.
For MENTIS, the detection of mental states is instantaneous and we have achieved an exceptional accuracy with an error margin of 2.5 on a scale from 0 to 100. Although the measurements appear right away, we normally recommend to wait for a few minutes to solidify any potential variation in the neurological signals and our algorithmic calculations.
Return policy, warranty and upgrades?
All of our products can be returned within a 30-day window from the date of delivery and are subject to a 30% restocking fee. This fee is mandatory to avoid abuse of our terms and conditions and to cover costs associated with implementations, shipping expenses, professional time incurred by our staff and potential misuse/damages to our equipment which will not be resold to other users for ethical and sanitary reasons.
All of our products are warranted for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and conditions only. The warranty will not cover accidental damages, excessive wear and tear or issues caused by third-party products or infrastructures such as electrical problems in a third-party building.
Upgrading to NUOS 3 has never been easier. We are pleased to offer to all of our NUOS 2 and NUOS EXTREME 2 customers one (1) FREE UPGRADE to NUOS 3. Note that the 4 editions of our second generation product line have now become one big NUOS 3 code base, which will simplify all regular updates and all future upgrades (i.e. NUOS 4, 5, etc).